Il nostro progetto musicale


Italian is a language that many of us do not speak but nevertheless know and, for example, "sing a capella". On the other hand, Italian stars do not remain in Vivaldi's time, but there are many talented singers today, such as Laura Pausini or Rafaella Carra.

In order to reach a wider target group, we have taken into account a large number of musical styles, and for the selection of these artists we have taken into account their popularity in Italy as well as various recommendations they have given us. We also recommend these artists because we listen to them ourselves on a daily basis.

Project Management Plan

1 - Benchmarking

Obittivi: Our main objective is to reach a minimum of 50 people in the first few days, and from there to start "word of mouth" to be able to help many people. Another of the objectives of this page has to do with updating the content and interactivity with the visitors, since both we as creators and they as visitors are the target audience of the page. Therefore, recommendations from visitors are also welcome and can help the rest of the readers of the site.

Target utente: Our target user is young people on erasmus in Italy. They need to know how to speak Italian, and sometimes the study of a language can become tiresome because of the grammar and vocabulary, therefore, one way to make this tedious task more enjoyable can be to listen to music.

Competitors: As far as our competitors are concerned, there is a blog ( ' la...The Best Songs to Learn Italian - Europass Italian Language ...) that offers the same content, however it has not been updated since 2018 and therefore does not offer current artists like us. On the other hand, YouTube is a platform where you can find numerous channels where songs to learn Italian are recommended, such as for example the channel of Latina in Italy.

2 - Structure and Lay-out

We followed a simple, geometric and ordered architecture to make it clean and easy to understand. In this way, we managed to create a sense of peace and tranquillity that combines very well with the style of this blog and with the main colour: green. On the other hand, the main font of this work is Arial to maintain a uniform tone. Also, the page is mainly composed of texts, images and links, making it easy to use.

3 - Languages and Struments

In the design of our website the web languages used were HTML and CSS. From the structuring of the content in HTML we then styled and shaped the website using CSS code.

As far as technological tools to support web design are concerned, we have used few of them as we wanted to create it ourselves from scratch, we have only used them on a few occasions and always from Bootstrap.

Communication Strategy

1 - Background

Within the communication strategy we have used the "visual storytelling" strategy, as we address our target with proximity by telling our own experience. Through our content we create a relationship with the client, creating empathy. On the other hand, updating artists makes the user attentive to the content.

The development of this strategy is due to the fact that the parameters are clearly established: on the one hand the WHY describes our target, a young Erasmus audience in Italy that wants to learn Italian through methods such as listening to music; the WHAT or need, i.e. learning Italian; and finally the HOW or solution, i.e. music as a tool to improve their level of Italian.

Based on the results, we can see how the website has had a first response, thanks to the visualisations and the interaction of the visitors with us. Thanks to their e-mails we have been able to verify that they have listened to the playlists and have given us their opinion and recommendations.

2 - Communicative Objetives

The main communication objectives of our website in terms of numbers is to exceed 50 visits in the first two days, either by recognition of visits to the website or by the interaction of visitors with the website, through likes and comments. In addition, another goal in terms of numbers would be to receive a minimum of 10 recommendations of new songs, through the viewers sending an email to our official gmail with the song they are missing. This would mean that they would have listened to some of our suggested playlists and thus know that all the content of our website, not only the articles, are visited and read.

3 - Target Audience and Message

We aim to reach a young Erasmus audience, with varied musical tastes and whose objective is to learn Italian. The message is clear and concise, to learn Italian in a more fun way by doing something that everyone likes: listening to music.

As it is a topic like music, the key to reach our target arises in normal conversations among young people, where music is usually a topic that is talked about. Being a broad social topic, our website focuses on a more concise concept, Italian music that helps to learn the language, with this message we close in great proportion to the target audience, providing them with a tool to fulfil their desire to learn Italian and improve their level over time.

4 - Promotion

Above all for the promotion of the website has been "word of mouth", since the target audience is people like us, erasmus in Italy who want to learn Italian in a more entertaining way. Also, in our social networks we have followers who are not only erasmus students in Bologna, but also in the rest of Italy who may be interested in our content and recommend it to their friends.

5 - Results Valuation

When carrying out the communication strategy, we aimed to reach a large initial number of people, which we have achieved with more than 100 visits in two days. In addition, the instagram account of the website received great feedback from the audience on the publication we made to publicise the mission of our website.

From this positive interactivity with visitors, received through likes and more than 10 emails with recommendations of new songs on the website's official account, we also understand that the recommended playlists have been listened to by visitors to the website. Therefore, we see the short-term objectives as achieved.

As far as medium-long term objectives are concerned, related to the website's main mission of helping to improve the level of Italian, it is too early to draw conclusions, as this will be seen in weeks and the continuous monitoring of the website's followers.